Oct 8, 2024
Imagine your diet is like a car on a track. As long as the road is clear you can fly towards your dream body. But the second there's a tree in the street all you can do is stop or go back the way you came. I want to teach you how to get off the track and navigate whatever obstacles come your way.
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Oct 1, 2024
Imagine if I told you to just ignore your daily migraines. You'd look at me like I was insane because that’s not how you treat symptoms. You don’t ignore them, you get to the root. Well what if I told you cravings are a symptom not a personality flaw? Let's dive into what they're trying to tell you.
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Sep 24, 2024
I just came back from a 7-day cruise with all-you-can-eat buffets open 24/7, drinks out the wazoo, and frankly not a ton to do. But there's 1 thing that kept me on track and it wasn't counting calories, saying no to dessert, or restricting myself. Listen in to find out my ultimate diet travel hack!
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Aug 27, 2024
40 to 95% of our behavior (including our thoughts) are habitual. Meaning we do them automatically, without thinking, and without the use of willpower. So if we can match up our goals with these daily, ingrained patterns, that’s when we can truly transform our bodies and lives.
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Aug 20, 2024
40 to 95% of our behavior (including our thoughts) are habitual. Meaning we do them automatically, without thinking, and without the use of willpower. So if we can match up our goals with these daily, ingrained patterns, that’s when we can truly transform our bodies and lives.
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